You're on the precipice of change.

Metamorphosis is for those seasons of life where you're navigating a rebirth. You're in the midst of can sense it, you can feel it - but the clarity hasn't *quite* landed yet. This is the messy middle like the caterpillar that's dissolving into goo before it gets its wings. This three step experience is designed to walk you through the transformation process to release what is ready to be cleared, build solidity in your new foundation and leap into the next phase of your evolution. Each lesson has a one hour training video + resources to support your integration. You'll walk away with the tools to navigate your transformation, clarity on your next steps + the confidence to action them. Get ready to fly.

What we'll cover...

    1. Let's Get Started.

    1. DAY 1: DELIQUESCE (to become liquid) 🦋

    2. For A Deeper Clearing

    3. BONUS: Stress Buster Breath

    1. DAY 2: TRANSFORM (to change in composition or structure) 🦋

    2. BONUS: Heart Affirmations

    1. DAY 3: REVIVAL {a restoration to spiritual vigour} 🦋

    2. BONUS: I Am A Tidal Wave of Creative Energy Breathwork

    1. Reflection + Next Steps.

    2. One More Bonus For The Road...

About this course

  • $47.00
  • 10 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content

Press play on your transformation.

Bonus Resources.

  • Along with the three pillar classes, you'll also receive additional meditations, reflection exercises + breathwork audios to support your transformation.

Next Steps.

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