Learn the fundamentals of your unique design.

Energy Type, Authority + Profiles.

These are the astrological equivalent of our 'big three' and really the most important starting point to understanding the way we're here to move through the world in our unique alignment (leading to more of our signature states - peace, satisfaction, success and surprise). Our Energy Type gives us an understanding of our energetic signature and how we're here to impact others. Our Authority gives us context for how we're designed to make energetically correct decisions, like our inner GPS guiding us towards the right opportunities in life. Finally, our Profiles gives us an insight into HOW we're designed to bring our purpose to life through our leadership archetypes. You'll feel more connected to your personal power by the end of these three masterclasses.

What's included.

  • 3 x Masterclasses

    You'll get a masterclass on Energy Types, Authority and Profile to expand your understanding of your 'big three'.

  • 3 x Worksheets

    For each masterclass, you'll also get a worksheet to take what you've learned and reflect on how it personally applies to you.

  • Meditation

    You'll also get a custom meditation for your Energy Type to support you to integrate the learnings into the body.

Course curriculum.

    1. What is Human Design?

    2. Accessing Your Human Design Chart.

    1. Fundamental #1: Your Energy Type

    2. Energy Type Worksheet

    1. Fundamental #2: Authority

    2. Authority Worksheet

    1. Fundamental #3: Profile

    2. Profile Worksheet

    1. Want To Continue Your Human Design Journey?

    1. Empowering Meditation For Manifestors.

    2. Connect To Your Joy Meditation For Generators.

    3. Hummingbird Essence Meditation For Manifesting Generators.

    4. Access Your Light Meditation For Projectors.

    5. Expansive Meditation For Reflectors.

About this course

  • $27.00
  • 14 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

What others are saying.


Amy Nicole | Nutritionist

Kirsten just has this way of explaining Human Design that makes it so simple and accessible. Human Design will change your life, the way you see the world and everyone in it.


Courtney Jade Rodgers | Healing Practitioner

It made me feel so seen, so understood and on the right path. I feel so excited now! I feel so solid in my choices, I don't feel the need to compare myself to anyone else because i'm doing things in the right way for me.


Natasha Skye | Women's Empowerment Coach

It's so nice when you can jump in and look at ways to connect to yourself from a different point of view, looking deeper into who we are and the possibilities that can create. It's gotten me so fired up about life, who I am, what i'm here to do and know i'm on the right path.